Thursday 16 November 2017

Blogging Stereotypes - Real Life VS Digital World

In today's post, I want to discuss a more serious issue, blogging stereotypes...
I haven't been blogging for that long but I know this is an issue that does exist despite the fact that we live in a society surrounded by technology yet there is still a stigma around people making a career out of this.

After taking a while to think about reasons for this I could only think of one possibility - because this is something new, something that hasn't been done before and something that isn't within societies norms.

I was inspired to write this post for various reasons, firstly I recently saw Spencer's (elmofilms) video promoting his Originality is Rare clothing line but he didn't do this like any other Youtuber, he created this short film highlighting how the hate he received has only given him the determination to improve. Secondly; I was in a school assembly the other day and the teacher speaking wanted to express how bloggers and YouTubers create a false persona towards people, giving young people unrealistic role models. YES... this was spoken about in school - a place where students are meant to be encouraged to follow their career paths in whatever they feel passionate about.

I want to address this issue on behalf of the blogging community that yes people may edit photos and yes we may go to certain locations to shoot these photos but the majority of bloggers portray their true personalities through their websites or youtube channels. Blogging gives people the chance to express their creativity, talk about topics they are passionate about and join this amazing community. Not to mention the confidence it gives people to meet new people, open up about things that they may not otherwise do in real life.

I'm thinking of maybe making more posts about current blogigng issues so if you're interested in that please leave a comment down below along with your opinion on this.

Here's the link to Spencers video so be sure to check it out ~ 


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