Monday 4 January 2021

2021 New Years Goals


Happy New Year Everyone!

I think everyone is grateful to see the back of 2020 and instead of setting new years resolutions, people are opting for the more attainable goal-setting method. I wanted to do this post today to look back on at the end of the year and see if I've achieved as much as I would've liked. 

In terms of my annual goals... 

- Walk 10,000 steps a day, not only is this good for mental health (especially with lockdowns and tiered restrictions) but it's a great way to keep fit 

- Continue to save in my 'Help to buy' account, I would love to be buying my first property in the next 5 years so I want to commit to saving as much as possible. Cutting out things like unnecessary takeaways and coffee shop runs. 

After my birthday I decided that I wanted to make a '20 things to do before I'm 20' list and I have to say a lot of them are looking rather unrealistic with the continuing covid restrictions, however, we can still have hope and always slightly adapt them. Here's my list so far, I'm looking to add some more so if you have any ideas please let me know :) 

1. Go on a road trip in Mabel 

For those who don't know, Mabel is my car! I have made plans for this, me and Delilah are hoping to go to Brighton for a weekend when the restrictions allow. It's not a million miles away from us but it's an easy place to get to without costing a fortune. 

2. Go Camping with Friends

I've been camping before and have to say it's not my favourite thing, but if I went to a music festival I think it might be a bit more bearable. Plus I do just think that it could be a fun and memorable experience, most certainly one to take the polaroid camera to! 

3. Visit Paris

Not sure if this will be achievable this year because of travel restrictions, however, I've wanted to go to Paris for years now. I would love to go at some point during fashion week but that might be a bit farfetched. Plus visiting Disneyland Paris would be fun for any Disney lover. 

4. Get back into horse riding 

This is something I have actually completed, shortly after I moved back to university I was enquiring about loaning a horse in the area. I went to view this lovely horse called Shadow who I got to ride for the morning and I have to say it has reignited my passion for riding and I will look to fully take it up again in the future. 

5. See London's NYE Fireworks 

This is partially completed, no one could go and actually watch the fireworks in London this year because of social distancing regulations, but like the rest of the country, I did watch them on TV and watch displays with sparklers from my garden. Not quite the same but the best I was going to get this year. 

6. See Sam Fender Live

Another one partially completed, me and Delilah have tickets to see Sam, it was meant to be 24th March 2020, then was pushed back until 17th September 2020 and is now rescheduled to 27th April 2021which I have a feeling won't be going ahead! But one can hope that we get to see him before August. 

7. Volunteer at an animal shelter

I am currently on the waiting list at Battersea Dogs and Cats home to become one of their cuddle givers, this if of course subject to social distancing regulations. But as I'm sure most of you know, I love animals and could think of nothing better than cuddling all of them in my spare time. 

8. Gals trip to Ibiza

Like the trip to Paris, I don't think this is going to be likely. I was hoping to book this for my 20th and have the full party experience. I wouldn't want to risk my health or payout to go and not have the full experience so this may be postponed until my 21st. 

9. Go to the Opera 

This is something that me and my Nan have spoken about for a few years now, we both love the idea of getting all dressed up and embracing some new culture. When theatres are able to reopen I can't wait to return and support some of the best entertainment strands in our country. 

10. Scrapbook my University experience

This is most certainly one I can complete with the current restrictions, I would love to document my experience here at Royal Holloway so I can look back in years to come! 

11. Go to Bicester Village 

One I managed to get done between lockdowns and tier restrictions, I have now been twice. Great for if your thinking of making a high-end purchase but want it for a cheaper price. I bought my mum a coach purse from their and myself some Pandora goodies. Most recently I have been tempted by the most beautiful Prada bag. 

12. Climb the O2 

Quite a random thing to put on my list but nevertheless something I've wanted to do for a couple of years now. This might be possible later in the year!


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