Monday 18 January 2021

All Things University: Getting Organised for the New Term


The start of a new term can be daunting, but it's also a new opportunity to get yourself organised and start achieving some of your goals. In today's post, I want to go through my top tips for being organised at university, especially with the new online university rules. 

Get yourself a diary

This has to be one of my biggest tips, I've had a diary for years and it's honestly the one thing that helps to keep me on track. Some designs can be expensive but you can easily purchase a plain one and customise it yourself. When it comes to using a diary, I make a daily schedule of classes that I have on, then underneath I made a daily to-do list. Paperchase have some wonderful diary's with matching stationery. 

Realistic To-do Lists

A to-do list can be a great method to manage your time but you need to remember to always make them realistic. Include relaxing things like watching an episode of a Netflix series or simply going for a walk. It makes the list appear more 'do-able' and gives you tasks to break up your day. 

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Make a suitable work environment

I am most productive when I have a set work environment that is usually my desk. I also tend to work better when it's neat and tidy. On my desk, I keep my pen pots, a large bottle of water, a couple of books and some plants. I often light a candle and keep my aromatherapy lamp on with either a strawberry or vanilla scent. 

Scheduling in fun activities

Part of succeeding in academia is finding suitable work and life balance, without this many students will burn out. Some of my favourite activities are, catching up on youtube subscriptions, reading a book, my adult colouring book and baking. There are so many simple activities that you can do to break up your day. 

Just a quick reminder: 

Coronavirus is spreading, let's all play our part to keep our loved ones safe. Remember to observe social distancing guidelines, wear a mask and keep up to date with government legislation. 

Stay Safe xx 


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